The Business of Weddings
2018 is the year I was diagnosed with TMJ due to the stress of life, graduation and telling my family I was moving to the Midwest with a girl they didn’t know.
I have had two cases of severe, debilitating migraine seasons in my life due to this stress induced ailment; the second was planning my wedding. This post is a series of lessons and tips from my experience in the worst social expectation and best contract signing ever.
I told my parents they weren’t invited
at least 2 years before we even ThOught of a wedDing.
Planning an affordable wedding:
a few lessons.
According to business insider: the cost of weddings decreased roughly ten-thousand dollars between 2015 and 2021. This still left the average wedding cost in an estimated 57.9 billion industry at roughly $22,500.
“that’s a lot of money”
- me; on the cost of our tiny wedding.
There’s a lot you can do with that kind of money. Granted, I had 10 guests, spent less than the average, and still disappointed a lot of people. If you’re planning an affordable wedding, you may benefit from these lessons I learned in the process of planning mine:
If you lose a relationship over an invitation to an event, you’ve gained the opportunity to make a better relationship with someone who cares about you.
When looking for a venue, botanical gardens are great. A good venue will have prices laid out for you, plan an event and not a wedding for a more affordable package.
Even with a small wedding, if you want production value, estimate a $500 per guest minimum. (and you’ll still be doing some work)
Theres no right or wrong way to plan a wedding, but a marriage needs a solid emotional, intellectual, and financial foundation. My biggest piece of advice is to communicate with your partner and remember: marriage is a business partnership but weddings are a consumer good. Buyer beware.
The guest of honor
is the guest that best behaves
How to attend a wedding properly:
I’ve been to six weddings in the last four years and I’ve watched both brides and grooms stress like crazy. If you’re attending a wedding and want to be the best guest possible, here are tips I’ve gathered in helping those stressed out couples.
Remember it’s not about you: no matter what you’re feeling, and what you think, radiate positivity and lightheartedness.
Help as close as you are: if you’re family you should do the most the make the day go smoothly, best friends should assist the second most, and tertiary guests should just stay as supportive as possible (don’t get drunk).
Stress on the observances: make sure you follow the dress code, get there on time (meaning early), and silence the cell phones.
closing notes:
If you start an LLC with your soon to be spouse, you could start and market your products in conjunction with your wedding/launch party. This way your guests can buy merchandise in lieu of gifts and if you break even you can write the expense off.
Seriously though, if you’re lucky enough to attend or throw a wedding, congratulations. A reliable, communicative, and encouraging partner is the biggest blessing in any business and marriage.
I wish you as much happiness as I’ve found.