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unique, not just a logo.

  • Brand management is a broad term used to describe strategies to maintain, improve, and bring awareness to the wider value and reputation of a brand over time.

  • Vision: your bigger why combined with long term goals.

    Voice: how you communicate both all forms with your clients, across all touch points.

    Values: connecting the kind of brand you are, with the kinds of people that match.

    Visuals: imagery and graphics in alignment with your brand personality.

  • Consistent, strategic branding leads to strong brand equity. Your brand is the promise you make to your customer. A promise worth more than gold.


JL Rocha Motorcycle Photo.JPEG

here’s how I brand:

  • • You think: “I know my company name, I get good work, but I want to expand beyond my day to day and grow like a full blown business.”

    • You need: A revamp of your logo, a customized brand management handbook, an updated (or your first) website, and some long lasting postcards, menus, or ideas.

    You can expect: to pay between $2,000 and $5,000 depending on your needs.

  • You think: “I just can’t seem to find more clients. I want more people to find me online, but I don’t want to pay for online advertising.”

    You need: Ideas and execution for online content, high quality blog posts in your niche, SEO Optimization, and memorable social content.

    • You can expect: to pay between $1,500 and $3,000/mo depending on your needs.

  • You think: “I don’t know what I’m doing, I don’t want to deal with marketing, I just want more money and clients to keep up with expenses.”

    You need: To take a breath, scale back, and relax - we can get through this together, but only if you’re committed to long term healthy growth. Otherwise, I’m not your guy.

    You can expect: to pay between $5,000 and $8,000/mo depending on your needs.